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Eden Energy Medicine, 3 sessions

3 sessions of complementary healing method that balance energies.

1 h 30 min
285 US dollars
Sunshine And Good Vibes|4 Peace Sake Wellness Center

Service Description

The session starts with the client being tested for energy polarity, grounding and meridians test, with the help of applied kinesiology (muscle testing). Any imbalances found will be corrected while on the massage table. The practitioner will use techniques including acupressure points to balance meridians, deep pressure on neurolymphatic points to remove stagnant energy and remove toxins. The session focuses on deep relaxation techniques that place the mind on the alpha brain wave which is beneficial for healing. The practitioner will apply light touch using neurovascular techniques called the black pearl sanctuary. Eden Energy Medicine helps strengthen the immune system, diminish pain and balance the body’s energy. After the deep relaxation, the practitioner usually retests the muscles to verify that the correction took and gives the client some homework in the form of daily energy routine movements to continue and improve the client's health.

Contact Details

  • Sunshine and Good Vibes LLC, Oberon Walk Southeast, Smyrna, GA, USA

  • 1953 Powder Springs Road Southwest, Marietta, GA, USA

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